"Lord, When?" by John Cobb
Lord, When? looks at the Second Coming from a Scriptural point of view, while examining the questions, objections, and various views of the Tribulation period and the Rapture of the Church. As the world draws closer to the Second Coming of our Lord, it is more important than ever that all Christians understand what the Bible says about this crucial doctrine. Our greatest hope lies not in theories of inferences but in undeniable facts left by our Lord in His Holy WEord about:
The Seventh Trumpet
The Great Apostasy
The Restrainer
The Antichrist
The Seventy Weeks of Daniel
The 144,000 Servants
With over twenty years of research and study of the end of times, author John J. Cobb brings a special and unique approach to these areas. He has taught four verse-by-verse expositional classes on the book of Revelation. His passion for scriptural clarity in eschatology has been the driving force behind Lord, When? Whether the information gathered is from him or other authors and experts in this area, Minister Cobb has taken great care to bring it all to bear against the backdrop of Holy Scripture—the final arbiter of all Christian doctrine.
A Xanadu Editorial Review (Non-Fiction): “Lord, When? A Biblical Perspective of the Second Coming
Author: John J Cobb
“I hope this book will not be just another one on the end-times. Instead, I hope it will awaken and stir the hearts and souls of Christians to once again develop a deeper love for the study of eschatology. I do not believe in date setting and will not put such an idea forward within the pages of this book. However, I will present as clear and concise a picture as possible about the time frame referred to as the Seventieth Week of Daniel (Daniel 9:20–27). This period of time affirms that God has decreed a specific time frame for His chosen nation Israel and the world. The Bible also affirms this period consists of seven years and seventy-five days and culminates the history of mankind.”
“Lord, When?” by John J Cobb is a detailed analysis of the Second Coming from a Biblical perspective. The author is an ordained Baptist Minister and his thorough knowledge of theology is an essential part of what makes this book so authoritative. This work will be an essential companion to Biblical scholars, and all those who seek to observe, understand and obtain a deeper meaning from Christian belief systems and the religious texts and commentaries central to its worship. As those scholars will understand, the author focuses his commentary on eschatology, that aspect of theology concerned with the final destiny, events or judgment.
The book commences with a discussion or overview of questions of timing of pivotal events, and the analysis of various original passages, including those given in Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians, the gospel of Matthew, and the book of Titus. While the author imparts his significant knowledge to the reader and forms well-reasoned conclusions where appropriate, there is also recognition that interpretations may vary. This recognition of contrast gives the reader further cause for thought; as many will know, the Bible rewards careful study and consideration. Throughout “Lord, When?” the reader will marvel at Cobb’s sophisticated grasp of the intricacies of meaning and phrasing. This is particularly apparent in the analysis of trials and tribulations, and the contrasting of Revelation 3:10 (see Chapter 4 for this discussion).
The references to ancient history are also endlessly fascinating; the kingdom of Babylon and the discussion of Alexander The Great remind the reader of long gone times, now only accessible in the pages of books and ancient texts. Reading of these subjects always creating an enduring sense of yearning (see Chapter 6 for this discussion). Here, the author relates some direct personal opinion, but will no doubt be forgiven by the reader in light of his obvious expertise.
The author’s goal to “awaken and stir the hearts and souls of Christians” (as excerpted above) to develop a deeper love for the study of eschatology is well realized. Those reading “Lord, When?” will no doubt return to its pages several times to consider the analysis and reflect on certain passages as meanings (or possible meanings) become apparent.
The structure of the book is carefully planned. This allows the reader to locate and consider relevant themes and concepts with ease. Most fittingly, the final chapter encompasses a theme of “blessed hope”.
"Lord, When?” by John J Cobb is a scholarly reference book that will likely become a standout among others in its genre. The author’s close analysis of the Second Coming and connected texts and themes will provide the reader with a greater understanding of eschatology (and wider theology), as well as an enduring appreciation for the central tenets of Biblical history and writings.
"Lord, When?” by John J Cobb receives 4 ½ stars from Xanadu Book Awards
John J Cobb is an ordained Baptist minister who serves as one of seven associate ministers of Shiloh Baptist Church of Waukegan. He resides in Hoffman Estates, Illinois, with his wife of over fifty years. John Cobb has two children, five grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. He is a former writer for the National Baptist Convention USA Inc. Sunday School Publishing Board. He is a preacher, keynote and conference speaker, and workshop facilitator. He also published a second book, From Death to Life, An Overview of the Foundational Doctrines of the Christian Faith (2012), now on sale